Manning Search Marketing

(709) 701-2422

Client Testimonials

Testimonials & Featured Clients

Gerard Manning is our SEO since 2004. His industrious work has my site in the top section of the first page of a Google search from 2004 onward. My site can be addressed by at least thirty different queries. All of these queries result in a first page top section find of a Google search. Mr. Manning has always been responsive to any request we made for redesign, rewording, and maintenance. If I were rating Manning Search Marketing on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 to being the highest, I rate Manning Search Marketing a 10. This is a ringing endorsement of Manning Search Marketing. I had other SEO’s previously and none were in a class with Manning Search Marketing. I foresee Manning Search Marketing as our SEO for many years to come.”

Myra S., Dental Client

“Gerard has been instrumental in helping our client Krieger achieve top visibility on all the leading search engines. This in turn has increased the leads generated by the Krieger website and had a positive impact on revenue. With his expertise and knowledge of SEO, Gerard brings a great set of tools to the marketing plan each year.”

Nathan Waak Creative Director, Door 12

“Manning Search Marketing put me where I needed to be, at the top of the search engines. Prior to working with Gerard I went with the larger SEO companies but they did nothing, delivered nothing and were only interested in taking my money. Prior to partnering with Manning Search Marketing I was skeptical whether search engine optimization produced any results at all. Gerard has made a believer out of me and his personalized service and dedication was a pleasant change from my previous experiences. I highly recommend his service.”

Dean Wheeler SEO Client

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